Jacob Okello

Rumour has it once one catches the golf bug it’s like an addiction… or an itch that needs to be regularly scratched otherwise one goes slightly mad.  Weekends are designed for rest, get-togethers with friends and for some – golf. A drive to some of Kenya’s most scenic golf courses to swing a few golf clubs and practice on perfection has become the thrill most need to clear their mind, or for some like Jacob Okello, improve on their overall par.

Like other sports, the game of golf requires its players to dress specifically, a style that accommodates uniqueness. In addition to the attire, players must of course have their golf clubs, usually 14 in number, each with its purpose during the four hour game. The popularity of the game however arises from a player’s swing and its encouragement of critical thinking. That being said, would you like to try golf this weekend?

Well, we need not ask Jacob Okello this question because he probably is already on the course. As one of Kenya’s most outstanding players, his is the love for the game and the growth through this passion. His continuous excellence has seen Jacob soar to great heights in this prestigious game and has represented our nation impeccably.

Jacob began golfing in 1973 at the age of five and turned pro in 1994. Two years later he qualified to participate at East Africa’s largest golfing tournament – The Kenya Open, a two day event that was hosted by Muthaiga Golf Club. After spending as much time as he had on the course, mastering his swing and steadying his par, Jacob was determined to make history. The then 28 year old tournament had gained recognition globally yet no Kenyan had ever come close to winning. Competing against professionals such as Argentine player Ricardo Gonzalez must have been daunting, yet Jacob was determined to change the sequence of Kenya’s glory. His power swings placed him second overall at the end of the tournament. A proud moment for Kenyans with more recognition to our flag.

We honour Jacob Okello – a man with skill, and aim to push Ke boundaries on the course.

#KeWachezaji #PaukwaPeople

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