
Are you an adrenaline junkie? The type that looks for heart-stopping adventure? If so, county 020 has your name all over it. Kirinyaga is where enterprising Kenyans have turned the raging rapids of the Tana River into a sporting haven. White water rafting is a sport that tests strength and tenacity, and the Sagana rapids in Kirinyaga have become the go-to place for this particular adventure thrill. However if water is not your thing, jumping off a building crane yelling bbbuunnggeeeeeee might be a suitable alternative, so long as you are not afraid of heights!

Yet the Tana is not the only river you will find in Kirinyaga County. On the contrary, one cannot travel more than a five kilometre radius without finding yet another stream or river. Water. Water all around is the reality of this county that covers part of the Mount Kenya National Park, and that is named for the original moniker of Kenya’s highest peak. In addition, the rivers of Kirinyaga have enabled individuals wanting to canoe and kayak competitively to do so. The county even hosted the Africa Qualifiers for kayaking for the 2016 Olympics!

Still on the subject of water, the county’s many rivers help flood the paddies of Mwea which provide us with the rice that we Kenyans love. Meanwhile, if you really want to see what happens when God comes down from his mountain you may want to search for the unique formation known as the Bridge of God in the Cradle of Serenity, a beautiful natural rock feature that can only have been cast by the hand of the divine.

The Castle Forest Lodge is another place of interest in Kirinyaga. We hear that both Queen Elizabeth and Jomo Kenyatta visited the lodge when they were students.

County 020 oozes history, culture, wildlife and unforgettable, wild, raging nature. What are you waiting for?

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