
Bananas. Paw paws. Avocados and pineapples. These are some of the fruits you’ll find in Kisii County. The best part is how most county locals have taken advantage of the ever-conducive climate by venturing into farming – making this 045’s main economic activity. Even so, with cash crops such as tea, coffee and pyrethrum catching up, Kisii is soon to be  Kenya’s leading bread and butter county.

Aside from farming, we would recommend that you take a brief moment to examine your kitchen and bathroom countertop – or, if not, perhaps you could offer us a bit of your imagination. That plate that sits perfectly in place, never rusting and incessantly giving life to what would otherwise be a dull slate. This structure is likely a product from the artisans in Kisii who are crowned as the best soapstone carvers in Africa. That’s a big deal! With these exceptional designs exported to as far as Europe and America, it’s evident that western Kenya has not-so-hidden talent.

One thing we’ve learnt and appreciated from our #KeSafari is the reminder of cultural heritage in various counties. Kisii adds to this list with its annual Gusii Cultural Festival that brings together communities from within to share in their common heritage and build on unity.

Now let’s get back to farming. The farmers’ produce is sold both within the county and exported throughout Kenya, but the best days to get produce have to be the two market days within the week – Mondays and Thursdays. Locals gather at Daraja Mbili for a healthy exchange of negotiations and trade. If you’re wondering about the name ‘Daraja Mbili’, it comes from the presence of two major bridges in Kisii Town with the first one welcoming you as you drive into the town and the second not too far after, popular for its ability to bring farmers and buyers together.

Then there’s the Manga Hill that has the best view of the county. It also marks the boundary between Kisii and Nyamira County. The hill is valued by the Kisii community as their ancestors first settled on the hill, enabling them to see anyone approaching them – whether visitors or enemies, giving them a head start if they needed to launch an attack. The hill also created peace and agreement between people, particularly families discussing potential dowry payments prior to marriage. To date, it is said that even local musicians find their words and rhythm upon this hill…

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